Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Avery Lizzie (Mcguire) Meets Hannah (Montana)

Well, yesterday we had our second child, Hannah Grace. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 9 oz, and measures 19.5 inches. After a long day at the hospital on Monday, today, Tuesday, I brought Avery in to meet her baby sister. It went pretty much as expected..she was excited to see her, but after a few minutes was on to something else. Pretty much what you would expect from a 2 year old. Hannah so far has been an excellent baby. Very content, and likes to be held. The complete opposite of Avery when she was born. Avery was brought down to us the 1st morning after we had her because she was waking up all the babies in the nursery..Hannah slept 5 hours straight her 1st night! A great start for our palindrome daughter. It has been tough this time because I can't spend all my time at the hospital with Laura and the baby since we have Avery at home. Laura is doing well after the surgery though, and we hope to have her come home on Thursday.

What a strange feeling to have 2 children now. You sometimes think (At least I did) it is impossible to love anyone as much as your 1st child...but amazingly you do! The following weeks and months should be interesting once everyone is together to coincide. Nonetheless our family is complete, and what a wonderful, blessed feeling it is to be able to have 2 healthy children.

Here are some pics from the past few days:


Todd said...

Congratulations, Mark!

What do you have planned for your two girls? Field hockey, volleyball, hoops, softball??

Old Man Kirby said...

Congrats! but.....

Jackson was very good in the hospital, but as soon as we brought him home, we wanted to take him back.
For the first 3 months he did nothing but cry, cry, cry. You picked him up he cried, you put him down he cried, you fed him he cried, you changed him he cried. Then like magic he stopped crying, now he is our good kid.

Emcee B said...

Thanks for the congrats.

I wouldn't mind some volleyball, or track..we'll see.

Well last night was the 1st night home, and she was up all night, and now at 9:31 AM is sleeping away. Of course now Avery is up, so I'm operating on 2 hours of sleep..good times. Hopefully she will get straightened out before long.