Monday, June 11, 2007

Rocky Balboa, Interleague, and the Finals

Well, I finally saw Rocky 6. If you are a fan of the Rocky films,( and really how can't you be?) then you will enjoy the final chapter of the story. It is surely better then Rocky5, although there are not nearly the quality of quotes in 6 vs 5. I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and feel like there is closure to the story. One more chance to relive the Balboa music, training montages, and watching the eye of the tiger one more time was really great. A must see for Balboa fans.

When interleague started, I loved it, and couldn't think of any reason why people would be against it. Now a few years into it, I don't like it anymore. It doesn't make any sense..trying to stir up rivalries from previous world series? Sure the occasional Subway series is entertaining..but every year? It just takes away from it all if you ask me.

Quickly on the Finals...BORING. What a shocker with another Spurs Finals. Not even LeBron can spice this one up. Is anyone enjoying these 1st 2 games?


Brett said...

The old Twins/Braves series is sure to rile up those fan bases beginning tonight. I'm still trying to come down from that Royals/Phillies set.

As for the NBA... I hate to say that I agree. It's borrring, which puts it on par with MLB and NFL in terms of closing season's with a fizzle.

Todd said...

Speaking of fizzle, don't forget about that ice hockey league...whatever it's called.

Although you can easily say their whole season fizzled.

Emcee B said...

what's ice hockey?