Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting sucks

Today was a perfect example of the deterioration of the human body as we get older. At work today a squirrel got into the electric transformer thus shutting down all power at Gerhardt USA. The squirrel can rest peacefully knowing that he provided the employees 3 hours of pure recreation as the plant was pretty much useless without power. This should have been a good thing right? 3 hours of doing nothing but getting paid for it? Well, not so much. After the 1st hour the novelty was gone, and I realized that this was going to be more of a hassle for me then anything when they did turn the power back on..but that's not the real news. The real news is what happened during the down time. I went out front to take another look at the fried squirrel (It really was impressive), and saw a couple guys throwing the football around outside. I know 2 of them, so I figured this would be a good chance to get to know some other people from the shop. Without really warming up that much (myself that is) We were throwing deep, and it started to get to the point where it was let's see who can throw this thing the furthest. On a side note there was a guy there his name is Brad, and he was saying how he was hating the fact that he was turning 30 in a few weeks, and that he couldn't believe how much trouble he was having catching and throwing the ball since he hadn't done it in a while. I mentioned to him that I just turned 30 this past year, and it does suck, and that "you can get hurt doing the stupidest little things now." What foreshadowing. I went for the long toss, really reared back to try and unload, and what happened? I heard a pop in my lower back, and realized I pulled one of those muscles back there or something. What an idiot. I didn't let on that I hurt myself, but I was, and am in a bit of pain right now. Lucky for me when they turned the power on in a bit I was swamped with work, including several heavy dies, and 3 truck shipments I had to unload. "Real Nice." I can't wait to play in this golf tournament Saturday with this ailment..should be a blast. Could there possibly be a worse injury for golf then this? Bottom line? Getting Old Sucks.


Todd said...

Age ain't nuthin' but a number, Mark.

Don't let the big 3-0 affect your mindset. I'm 31 now, but I only allow myself to think I'm 25 or 26.

Brett said...

Did you at least out-throw them Testaverde?

Emcee B said...

Yeah, I can at least hang my hat on out throwing them. A good bit of Exedrin today, and I am ready to go again.

Old Man Kirby said...

I'm 23 you losers!