Saturday, May 10, 2008

Various Items..Catching up AGAIN

I'm doing a pathetic job of keeping this up to date. Let's try it again...

Bowling is over..thank goodness. The absolute worst year I have personally ever had on the lanes. I waited 37 weeks for a good match, and well, I guess I will have to wait until week 1 of next year because 38 and 39 were no better. We got bludgeoned in the 1st round of the playoffs and that was that. I'm looking forward to collecting my money at the banquet though. :)

How impressive are the Dodgers? Is Joe Torre the difference? Could I be that wrong about the importance of a baseball manager?? Maybe this is so. An impressive start to a team that had most of these components last year but just couldn't get anything done. Rafael Furcal has been a pleasant surprise as well, which makes me happy as I look to defend my KBSL title. No, it hasn't gone well so far, but I'm going to stick with it and hope for the best.

Is their a more overrated piece of clothing then a coat? Yes, there are times when they are needed, but those are really few and far between. I mean why do you wear a coat to work if you jump in your car, drive there, get out and walk right into your building and then take it off. That's not as bad as when you go shopping, or out to eat and then struggle to find a place to put the coat while you are inside. Of course if you wear it, you'll roast. For the most part, I'm done with the jackets.

Thumbs up to the new tax refunds we all just got. I dig it. I doubt it will ultimately boost the economy, but it surely is a nice gesture. I'll be sure to buy at least one new item with it so that I am not being Anti-American.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and we are heading to Hershey Park for the day, weather permitting. I think it should be a cool time, and I am starting to get pretty excited about going. You can never see that Chocolate World Tour too much, and if I see the Hershey Kiss walking around I just may give him a shot!! (Inside Joke..but hysterical.)

American Idol Season Whatever it is... In a nutshell, this season sucks. David Cook should win, but the writing is on the wall for him after last week and it is Archuleta who will win this thing. My prediction?? David Archuleta will be the 2nd worst AI ever. No one can ever top Taylor Hicks, but this guy will be close. I bet he will have 1 heck of a Christmas Album though. He's got so many things on his side right now, it's inevitable the "Prodigy" Will win it all.

Lastly, I have to mention Survivor in this post. Erik, one of the "Fans" this year has got to go down as the dumbest contestant of all time in the history of Survivor. 4 people get voted off in front of him by the girls alliance, and blindsided and when in the final 5 he gives up his immunity idol necklace!?!? This kid may be cut out to be a Ice Cream Scooper all his life after that stupidity he showed.


MJ said...

Emcee B - See paragraph 5, line 3 where you promise to make a purchase with the tax money.

BTW - welcome back...again (see ya in a month or so)

emceeb said...

hmm..I forgot about that. I guess I will have to stay true to my word and buy something.