Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting sucks

Today was a perfect example of the deterioration of the human body as we get older. At work today a squirrel got into the electric transformer thus shutting down all power at Gerhardt USA. The squirrel can rest peacefully knowing that he provided the employees 3 hours of pure recreation as the plant was pretty much useless without power. This should have been a good thing right? 3 hours of doing nothing but getting paid for it? Well, not so much. After the 1st hour the novelty was gone, and I realized that this was going to be more of a hassle for me then anything when they did turn the power back on..but that's not the real news. The real news is what happened during the down time. I went out front to take another look at the fried squirrel (It really was impressive), and saw a couple guys throwing the football around outside. I know 2 of them, so I figured this would be a good chance to get to know some other people from the shop. Without really warming up that much (myself that is) We were throwing deep, and it started to get to the point where it was let's see who can throw this thing the furthest. On a side note there was a guy there his name is Brad, and he was saying how he was hating the fact that he was turning 30 in a few weeks, and that he couldn't believe how much trouble he was having catching and throwing the ball since he hadn't done it in a while. I mentioned to him that I just turned 30 this past year, and it does suck, and that "you can get hurt doing the stupidest little things now." What foreshadowing. I went for the long toss, really reared back to try and unload, and what happened? I heard a pop in my lower back, and realized I pulled one of those muscles back there or something. What an idiot. I didn't let on that I hurt myself, but I was, and am in a bit of pain right now. Lucky for me when they turned the power on in a bit I was swamped with work, including several heavy dies, and 3 truck shipments I had to unload. "Real Nice." I can't wait to play in this golf tournament Saturday with this ailment..should be a blast. Could there possibly be a worse injury for golf then this? Bottom line? Getting Old Sucks.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Random thoughts while alone for 8 hours...

  • Wow, I'm glad Jordin won. She will be a great idol representative. Besides, Blake already got to sing with Sir Mix A Lot! What's better then beat boxing with Swap Meet Louie himself?

  • So much talk about the gas prices which are soon to eclipse the 3.00 a gallon mark. Yet no talk of the president being a billionaire Oil Tycoon? Things that make you go hmmm.

  • Someone needs to bring back the player manager, better yet, someone needs to un retire after they have been elected into the hall of fame.
  • The Nationals are 10-4 in their last 14 games. Wow

  • The Portland Trailblazers get the 1st pick and will select Odom from OSU. Suddenly they will have a dominant inside presence with Lamarcus Aldridge already developing.

  • I really, really don't want a Spurs/Pistons series.
  • Brett Myers is hurt...good.
  • How is it possible I haven't seen Rocky Balboa yet?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

1 Week In

Well, the 1st week is over for me at the new job. And the verdict's a change. What a week. Monday was slammed busy and while Thursday was pleasantly light, Friday was back to being busy again. This lifestyle change, and that is certainly what it is, is going pretty well, and I think I am getting adjusted. I put in over 47 hours this week after totaling about 35 a week before, and it's more demanding, but I'm up for the challenge.

The Cavs beat the Nets tonight to set themselves up to be annihilated by the Pistons this week and what will set up another boring NBA finals matchup of Spurs vs Pistons. More Big Shot Bob, and more Timmy, to go along with the same cast of Pistons characters. Can this series please end with a Chris Webber technical? How great would that be if he called another illegitimate time out?

How about American Idol? Finally 2 people I like made the final! I don't even care who wins, but I am pulling for Jordin Sparks who i thought all along would have a great shot at winning. I predicted it would be Richardson and Sparks, but Blake stepped up and took it from CR (And rightfully so). My prediction is Sparks as the AI and the Pistons as NBA champs. (Yawn)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Derby Day, and My Thoughts on Bonds, and Steroids

Well, my horse didn't win the derby, again. In fact I like to bet with a few different options, rather than placing all my hopes on one thoroughbred. Well, we showed up at the OTW with exactly 30 seconds to bet once we walked through the door. (I thought it was a 6:30 start vs 6:15) So with no time to make any other bets or do any research, we placed two 15 dollar bets to show. Neither horse came in. A little discouraged because of how rushed everything was, we decided to stay and bet on a few other races. This was much more successful, as we ended up picking winners in the next 2 races, winning a little over $60. It feels so much better leaving a winner then a loser let me tell you. I'd like to thank the Lancaster OTW for my dinner Saturday night at Longhorn Steakhouse.

Ok, so Schilling is in the news for blasting Bonds. In fact, it's trendy to blast Bonds these days isn't it? He's an easy target...not very likeable, most likely took steroids that helped him aid in breaking the homerun record, and soon pass Hank Aaron as well. I like Curt Schilling, I do, and his comments don't bother me. If that's the way he feels, then he should stand behind that and not backtrack on what he said. It's a pretty stupid thing to say as a public figure, but these people just don't get it, and I doubt they ever do. My feeling is this..Bonds is the greatest hitter in my generation (ok A-Rod is close) and to me is sort of Babe Ruthian. Here's the thing, not many people alive right now remember Babe Ruth playing. He could have been the biggest creep in the world. Now I don't think that he was, but it's possible..because we don't know. In every sport there are people cheating in their own ways. McGwire with the Creoteen, which wasn't illegal when he was taking it, but now is that different? What about the fact that the Ruths' and so forth played against tired arms most of their career. If you honestly think that the game was the same then as it is now, then your oblivious. My point? The point is that athletes today are better then they were ages ago. The more and more it becomes a business, the better and better they will continue to get. If you think that steroids is cheating, then how do you feel about other performance enhancing drugs? I.E. Createen or the stuff you buy at GNC? They didn't have that in the 1920's. What about Gatorade? Or other sports drinks? Think a more hydrated ball player would be a better ball player? I can go on and on..each era had their own stuggles, and it's own advantages to it. People are up in arms about Bonds passing Henry Aaron. Why? Bonds is a better player then Aaron. He was since he came into the league. Not taking anything away from Hammerin Hank, but I highly doubt anyone honestly thinks that he was better then Ba Bo. So what's the deal? Henry Aaron had to deal with racism etc etc in the 70's. I'm sure that was tough as he approached Ruth's record, and it's terrible anyone has to go through that. What about Barry? He deals with enough too. And that's not even bringing up the point that the dude is walked 3 times a game. Is Bonds a good person? I don't know him, but from what I "hear" no, he's not. Do I care? Nope. Why should I? How is my life going to change when Bonds hits 756? It's not. No one's like will change, not even Aaron's. People aren't defined by records they hold, they are defined by Hall of Fame careers. Does anyone now think that Ruth is a bum? Nope. He's still gargantuan in stature, Paul Bunyanesque. Another question? Does anyone ever want a record broken? In recent memory, people were excited when McGwire passed Maris for the single season home run mark. When Bonds passed that 2 years later, no one wanted him to do it. This makes no sense. Bonds is daylights better then McGwire as a baseball player, so why wouldn't you want the games best player, holding it's most prestigious record? Bottom line is Barry Bonds is the greatest player of my generation, and I am going to enjoy this run to 755. I think you should too.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Going Down in a Blaze of Glory

What a final performance by Phil Stacey last night. Singing "Blaze of Glory" by JBJ I couldn't think of a better way to go out. It would of been nice to see PS or Chris Richardson one more week at the expense of Lakisha Jones, but hey, they made it pretty far. Let's go Blake and Jordin!!

In what was a relatively strange draft for the Eagles this past weekend, I was pretty happy to see them get a QB, and what could turn out to be a pretty nice fullback in Tony Hunt from PSU. He has the size and makeup to be pretty effective in the Birds offense. Other then that pick, nothing to get too overly excited about as far as I'm concerned. The QB pick I liked because as much as I like Donovan, it's really tough to think that he will ever be the same as he was prior to this injury. To have a guy waiting in the wings for 3 years down the road and be ready to step in there was a smart choice in my opinion. Especially when you factor that Donovan has been hurt 3 of the last 4 years as it is.

This Saturday is the run for the roses, and my money will be on Any Given Saturday to show. This horse looks good! I mean you want to see a good looking thoroughbred, there you have him. Let's hope this man does well because I haven't won any big money since Fusaichi Pegasus took 1st place in 2000. Heck I even missed Smarty Jones and he was from Philly.

Here's to Any Given Saturday and his start of his run to the Triple Crown!