Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Movie Review Monday: Flight Plan

Flight Plan is a movie starring Jodie Foster, and it takes place primarily on an airplane. Foster is flying with her 6 year old daughter to New York to bury her husband and her daughters dad from his fall from a building a few days prior. Understandably, they are both shaken up before they even board the plane, so what is about to follow for Kyle Pratt (Foster) is believable.

Her daughter is kidnapped on the plane, and she spends most of her time attempting to find her. She works as an airplane designer, so she knows the ins and outs of the plane. I won't go into much more detail so as to not ruin the film for those who may want to see it. 3 out of 5 stars for a bit of a far fetched storyline, but the post 911 paranoia makes for an interesting story, and there is some good action in the film.

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